Although they may seem inconspicuous, garage door hinges play a massive role in the entire garage door mechanism. These are the parts that connect various sections of a garage door, allowing sectional garage doors to move around quickly. If you start to notice your garage door start to malfunction, broken hinges might be the very probable cause for that. We’ve prepared the guide to garage door hinges, their various types, and correct maintenance.
Garage door hinges differentiate between residential and commercial hinges. As the name suggests, residential garage doors are doors we use at homes. On the other hand, commercial garage doors are used by businesses. The differences between the two are easy to spot, with commercial garage doors being larger and therefore more reinforced.
Of course, this heavily impacts the garage door hinge types used depending on the residential or commercial garage door. Whether you’re dealing with commercial or residential garage doors, you’ll need to consider the correct type of garage door hinge. This includes choosing the right hinge number and gauge.
Each garage door hinge has a number stamped on its leaf. These numbers refer to the joints you may use the hinges on. The numbers for residential hinges will range from #1 to #5, whereas for commercial door hinges, the numbers will lay between #6 and #11.
In essence, these numbers tell you where to place your hinges. For instance, #1 residential hinges should be placed between the first and second joints, #2 between second and thirds, and so on. The pattern is the same for commercial garage doors, with #6 replacing #1.
Simply put, gauge refers to the garage door hinge’s thickness. The lower the rating, the thicker the hinge. Typically, garage door hinges come in two gauge sizes and widths – 11 and 14, with some doors utilizing 18-gauge hinges as well.
Since commercial garage doors are heavier duty, they require thicker hinges. Therefore most commercial garage doors utilize 11-gauge wide-bodied hinges. Residential garage doors are smaller and less loaded, meaning they require thinner hinges. Typically, you’ll find 14-gauge hinges used in home garage doors, although some people also use 16-gauge and 18-gauge hinges.
Keep in mind that the best choice here is opting for thicker hinges. Thinner may cost less but are much less durable and tend to wear out quickly, especially if you use your garage door frequently.
Garage door hinges play a vital role in the entire garage door system. They allow sectional garage doors to open and close smoothly so that you can use them without any inconvenience. Hinges come in several types and sizes that apply to either commercial or residential garage doors, with commercial hinges being thicker and more durable than residential ones.